Hello, my friend!
Hey Jack.
I just uploaded my conversation with Iman Gadzhi on YouTube.
About a year ago, I had dinner with him in Dubai. I walked in expecting a good conversation, but I walked out genuinely impressed. At his age, I was nowhere near that level of business understanding.
Honestly, I left thinking, this guy might know more about business than I do.
In this conversation, for the first time, Iman shared his complete blueprint for building a personal brand with intention and turning it into a $100M empire.
These are the three ideas I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.
1. You Already Have a Personal Brand
People are already talking about you.
They have an opinion, a perception, a story they tell about who you are.
Whether you realize it or not, you already have a personal brand.
The question is, are you shaping it, or letting others do it for you?
When you build it with intention, you take control of the narrative.
You decide what you stand for, what you’re known for, and how your brand helps you make your dreams happen.
2. Define Your Audience and Speak Their Language
I walked away from that dinner in Dubai genuinely impressed by Iman. But what really stuck with me was something unexpected.
His content doesn’t necessarily position him as a business strategist.
If you only watched his videos, you might not realize just how sharp he is when it comes to business. But that’s not by accident. He designed it that way.
His content is built to attract the exact audience he wants to reach.
Most people make the mistake of creating content for themselves instead of thinking about the people they want to impact.
The key is knowing who you’re speaking to and crafting your message in a way that connects with them, not just with you.
Meet people where they are, speak their language, and help them grow. That’s how you provide real value.
3. Show People Who You Are
My content only took off when I had the courage to share my real story.
When I was 15, I watched my father die of a heart attack right in front of me. A few weeks later, my mother kicked me out.
I had no home, no money, nothing.
Even now, talking about it isn’t easy. But being open and real is what made people truly connect with me and my mission. Sharing that story meant more than telling people I sold my business and never have to work again.
If you want to build a personal brand that attracts the right people, you have to do more than share your expertise. You have to share your values, your beliefs, and your purpose.
That’s what builds trust. That’s what attracts the right people into your world.
People pay a lot of money to learn the things Iman shared in our conversation. But if you want to watch the full video and get access to all this content for free, just click the image below.
And there’s a bonus. I’m doing something I’ve never done on this channel. Iman and I are giving away $30K to the audience watching this video. We explain exactly how you can get a chance to win inside the video. Don’t miss it.
Does the mission justify the risk?
One of the biggest myths we are told is that failure means disaster.
From a young age, we are taught that failure is something to be ashamed of. That getting it wrong is embarrassing. But this belief has almost nothing to do with how people actually achieve things or what it really takes.
In reality, everyone fails.
The key is to chase your dreams knowing that failure is part of the process. Getting better is the natural result. Too many people let the fear of failing stop them from trying at all.
If you’re taking risks and going after what you want, you will fail along the way. What truly matters is how you respond to it.
When I start a new business or a major project, I always ask myself the same question: Does the mission justify the risk?
If the answer is yes, then I know I can control my fears and accept any failure that comes with it.
Never let others define what success or failure means to you.
Alright, that’s it for today!
I’m working on some big things over the next few weeks, and you won’t want to miss them. Make sure you’re subscribed to the channel so you stay ahead of it all.
Dream BIG,