Hello, my friend.
This week’s guest on The Blueprint genuinely surprised me. Tom Bilyeu’s methodical approach to achieving success is incredible. He doesn’t just dream big. He builds systems that make those dreams inevitable.
No wonder he built a billion-dollar business and is now creating one of the largest media companies of the internet era.
Here are the 3 points from our conversation that I can’t stop thinking about.
1. The sexiest non sexy thing
Entrepreneurs often see things like hiring, SOPs, and team training as boring. These aren’t boring. They’re freedom. When you do them right, you’re not stuck doing everything yourself. The business runs even if you’re sick or on holiday. Systems like this give you the freedom you’re working so hard for.
2. F*ck Patience
Tom has a shirt that literally says “F*ck Patience.” At first, I wasn’t so sure. I always talk about playing the long game. But Tom made a good point. You have to think long-term, but also ask yourself how fast you can move. Speed matters. Sometimes patience is just an excuse to stay in your comfort zone. Ok, Tom… I’ll wear that shirt next time for sure.
3. The physics of making progress
Tom has a six-step framework for making progress. Not just in business. In anything. It’s brilliant. He breaks down the right way to test ideas and how to stop lying to yourself about where you’re at. If you want to move faster, this system is gold.
The full episode is now live on YouTube if you want to dive deeper into these ideas.
Clip of the week
I know life gets busy, and maybe the algorithm didn’t show it to you, but we posted one of the most incredible clips ever. It’s already hit over 15 million views, and I’d love for you to check it out.
Click the image below if you want to watch it!

The proudest moment of my life
Before I go, I have one last piece of news to share. My book “What’s Your Dream?” is officially #1 on the Times Bestseller list.

I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported this mission. I wrote this book to change lives, and it’s so important that it reaches as many people as possible. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
If you haven’t bought the book yet, click the button below:
I hope it inspires you.
Thank you so much❤️
Dream BIG,
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